Tuesday, October 30, 2012

We Are an ELF

This article is from http://j880203.tumblr.com/ link:

it’s been 5 years since i know this amazing group called Superjunior. million memories has been made. million tears has been shed and million laughs has been shared.
superjunior. 2 magic words that can make my world turn up-side down.never in any second on my life,i regret loving them. i love the fact that i grow old with them. spend the days with them even we’re thousand miles apart.
superjunior are my idols,my lovers,my family and my friends. when people ask me why i love this boys so much,i loss at my words.i can’t find any particular reasons.maybe because they’re handsome,maybe because they’re awesome or maybe because simply they are superjunior. but one thing i know,i love them so much. unconditionaly. with all my heart.  they filled my days with love and passion and nothing in this world i willing to trade with this feelings.
and then i met my other family,ELFEver Lasting Friends. they say we’re arrogant,they say we’re mean.but for me,this gigantic fandom called ELF are the warmest of all . this fandom world are so mean and full of hatred,and in the end all i have to depend on are ELF. we’refamily. we’re fight and make-up but it’s what family do,right? in the end,we protect the same people and devote our love to the same group and that’s what makes us one
even in the lowest point in my life,superjunior always there with me. when i feel like the world betray me with the most awful ways,all i have to do is plug-in my earphone listening to their songs and i will feel just fine. when i feel like i want to cry till my tears are dry,all i have to do is turn on my laptop watching their videos and i will laugh again. because thosesmile,those laugh,those songs give me energy to face my days again.
many new groups come out and many more will come in the future.but one thing i know for sure,no one can able to replace superjunior in my heart. my heart is so selfish that it don’t know other than superjunior. because no one can touch my heart like they did.they bring pain and joy into my life and i enjoy every part of it.
and yes i will grow old.i will finish my study,have a great job,get married,and have kids.maybe i will not spend my days to root for them anymore and maybe i will not love them like now anymore. but one thing for sure,superjunor will always be part of my life.
one day,when i’m in bed with my kids, i will them a love story about this amazing men and their ELF and how they’ve changed my life in the most beautiful way.
so thank you super junior..
thank you for growing old with me..
thank you for this amazing experience..
thank you for this priceless journey..
thank you for letting me know you and thank you for letting me love you..
i love you superjunior…
till the time won’t let me loving you again..„ i will never stop loving you


  1. Hi. I just see your blog today. I am so happy there are more ELF in Iran and I can know them everyday.
    After seeing your blog I start to read your posts . Now I just finished reading this post and I must tell you that during reading it I cried. You just said everything I have in my mind and my heart. Super Junior is the only Idol I cry for . Every single things about them make me show feels .
    I should tell you I was tired today but after reading your blog specially this post I have a lot of energy now and no more fatigue I feel. now I will visit here and leave comment for you.
    So happy to know you my new friend. ^^

  2. Wow such a great surprise!!!
    Another Iranian ELF ! It's really amazing,not?
    You are my new visitor and it really makes me happy! Thank you so much an I really appreciate all your kind and love :)
    Never forget for your full of positive energy comments ;)
